"While we exclusively help our clients with retirement planning, there are a lot of moving parts that go into it."
Our Retirement Planning Services
- Goal Based Planning: clarifying your goals & doing everything possible to help you achieve them.
- Cost Effective Implementation: utilizing best vehicles available for your individual situation.
- Risk Management: balancing risk vs return relative to goals & needs.
- Asset Allocation & Rebalancing: appropriate exposure to relevant asset classes & investments over time.
- Investment Review & Coordination: routinely making sure your investments are appropriate based on your goals, etc.
- Income Planning: helping deliver regular monthly income from all sources. (Avoid running out of money)
- Protection Planning: analyzing & addressing risks to achieve financial security. (Considering safe money alternatives)
- Behavioral Coaching: helping to make the right financial decisions & avoid the wrong ones.
- Emotional Counseling: regarding investments & other retirement planning components.
- Tax Minimization Planning: (using financial strategies or products)
- Social Security & Pension Decision Making:i (being involved to help you make the best decisions for you)
- Withdrawal/Distribution Analysis & Planning: help decide when/where to take money from when needed
- Insurance Analysis & Planning: (review of life & long-term care insurances)
- Beneficiary & Estate Planning: (identifying to whom & how your assets pass most efficiently with the least amount of taxation)
- Brokerage Services: for insurances/fixed investments: (shop around among solid financial institutions)
- Sounding Board/Resource: for any financial related thought, question or idea
- Cash Considerations: (making sure your cash is earning respectable interest and reflects your liquidity needs)
Additional Included Features & Services
- Keeping track of all assets in house & out for you & heirs (Creating a treasure map)
- Keeping you posted of relevant rules/laws/changes that apply to your situation
- Regular calls, emails & meetings as needed or requested to review
- Referral network of legal, accounting, health insurance & other professionals
- Financial 411 & 911 when needed (call or email us any time)
Meet The Team at Steele Financial Solutions
- Joel Steele, CLU: Financial Advisor, 20 years of experience
- Terna Steele, MBA: Financial Services Professional, 42 years of experience
- Carol Rupertus: Client Support Specialist, 17 years of experience
- Sue-Ann Ragozine: Client Support Specialist, 17 years of experience
- Stephanie Gandy: Client Support since 2023
"Your Family's Finances Are Our Family's Business!"
90 North Kings Highway Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 (856) 321-0070
i **Obtain pension & social security amounts directly
from your employer and the Social Security Administration.
We do not offer legal
and tax advice.